BECOMING THE BEST MUSICIAN YOU CAN BE - recommended sheet music + other resources - RECOMMENDED LISTENING
Useful Links
- Hand care for musicians : All musicians (and everybody!) should take care of their bodies. Hand, arm, shoulder and neck care are very important for us violin/fiddle players. Along with keeping ourselves fit and healthy, it helps if we can give our hands and arms extra attention before and after using them to play music. This website has helped me a great deal in the past This website addresses tendonitis, however the stretches and other advice are invaluable for caring for our precious limbs even when they are healthy!
- Taborgrass- bluegrass jamming for everyone : If you like playing bluegrass, want to meet other musicians and wish to play with larger groups, here is a good place to start. It happens at St David Of Wales hall every Saturday, $10. It's inclusive, friendly and fine for beginners. If you're interested to go, download some tunes (especially ones they're posting for next jams) and bring them to our next lesson.
- House Concert Series in inner SE: House concerts are one of the loveliest ways to experience live music; usually the listening experience is more intimate than in a bar or public venue, and the cover charge goes mostly if not completely to support the musicians. This all-ages concert series curated by Abbie Weisenbloom often features world class musicians, ranging from classical, contemporary and folk and everything in between.
- Portland Fiddle Camps: Run by the fabulous Kate O' Brien, this fiddle camp for kids is fun and immersive.
- Pugh Luthier Studio: There are many good violin shops but I have a special fondness for this one, and I like to support small businesses. Caitlin who works there is always delightful. In inner NW Portland. Call for an appointment.
- R D Bay Handmade Violins I also recommend this luthier as well- in SE Portland.
- Near East Yoga: Playing music with physical ease and true focus is helped by doing yoga. Famous violinist Yehudi Menhuin was a testament to that! This studio, Near East Yoga, is my favourite yoga studio in Portland. In my mind it stands above and beyond most other studios and stands completely outside the 'yoga consumer brand' type. This studio really helps you get in the zone. Of course, I'm recommending it because I go there myself! Check it out if you can.
- How playing music benefits your brain more than any other activity: Not that we need any justification for playing music,